Alyse French | Fine Art Portrait Photographer | Houston, TX »

Tidbit Tuesday #53

For those of you just dying to know, Half-Christmas was a wild success. ;) On Sunday morning, we opened our stockings in bed, ate a breakfast of champions while listening to the Nat King Cole Christmas station on Pandora, and then proceeded with some major gift unwrapping. The highlights included a sparkly-red-dress-wearing, bouquet holding, giraffe ornament with a feathery pink hat, which I got for Dylan. And a vintage telephone from the 1930’s, which Dylan got for me. Somehow, I think I got the better end of that deal. :)

That night we went out for Half-Christmas dinner, and whereupon hearing the menu specials, ordered grilled artichokes as an appetizer with NO idea how to eat them. The first five minutes were an extremely awkward time of jaw contortion and the realization that, “There’s absolutely no way this is going down.” So after nonchalantly spitting a mouthful of dried artichoke leaves into my purse, our waitress came over and explained how to eat it properly. Embarrassing? Totally. AMAZINGLY delicious? Oh my goodness, yes.

Sometimes, I realize, just how many absolutely, unecessary, commas I use, when writing. All of my elementary, and high school, and college teachers hated me for it. And I guess, it’s safe to say, I still, haven’t, learned.

As those of you who follow us on Facebook or Twitter may know, Dylan and I celebrated our six month anniversary yesterday. That’s right, Half-Christmas and Half-Anniversary all in two days. (Hey, I’m not saying I didn’t plan it that way on purpose..) ;) I can’t quite describe how crazy it feels. All at once, it feels like much longer and yet still so brand new. Which brings me to my absolute favorite part of yesterday. Hands down, times a million. Our wedding photographer and sweet friend, Mabyn, surprised us with the most beautiful montage of images and video from our day. We had no clue she took as much video as she did, and even less knowledge that she’d edit together such a powerful piece for us to enjoy for forever! You can take a look at video *HERE* and find her website *HERE*. We love you, Mabyn!!

Okay, okay.. Just one more thing about Mabyn, I promise. While I don’t have any pressing questions for all you readers this Tuesday, I do have a favor to ask. :) Mabyn is hosting a Christmas Canvas Contest over at her blog, at the end of which, one of the couples will receive a canvas of their respective image. Where YOU come in, is VOTING! Right now we’re trailing behind big time, and we would looove and appreciate your votes! It’s as easy as clicking on “Alyse and Dylan” at the bottom of the post and hitting submit! Can we count on you??? :)

This time tomorrow, I’ll be on my way home!! The last time my entire family was together was late June. That’s seriously unprecedented, and I’m definitely ready for the streak to end. Ready for the best part? Both Cam and I get home tomorrow, while Rae arrives on the 17th. This essentially means that Cam and I will get to be best friends for a few days. Something I know he’s terribly excited about. ;)

I’ll leave you with a sneak of Thursday’s post on Megan and Chance’s engagement session! This image makes me melt. And so do they.

Happy Tuesday! And remember to get your vote on over at Mabyn’s blog! Many thanks!! :)

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  • December 14, 2010 - 11:06 AM

    mabyn - You are the sweetiest, most wonderfulest, beautifulest photographer lady in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! I luuuuuurve yoooooou!!!! xoxoxoxoxo I am seriously SO EXCITED to see you on the 22nd! so giddy!!!!! <3

  • December 14, 2010 - 1:03 PM

    Mischelle Morgan - Voted!! What an amazing video!! You can just feel the excitement and love!! Amazing! Have fun with your family in NY!! Greet your dad From the Morgans!! We still miss our NY LTW family greatly!!!

  • December 14, 2010 - 1:14 PM

    Jesslyn Amber - I absolutely love the video. It’s so so beautiful. You were stunning and your wedding was gorgeous. And, I love the speeches!

    Also, I voted for you. :)

  • December 14, 2010 - 3:37 PM

    Alyse - Thank you, ladies!! :) XOXO!!!

  • December 14, 2010 - 8:36 PM

    Christina Shippey - That is too funny about the artichokes! Love your wedding video….. absolutely beautiful!! So awesome that your wedding photographer put that together for you!! I went and voted!! :) Hope you have a good visit home and a very merry Christmas!!

  • December 16, 2010 - 9:01 PM

    Kate D - alyse. so i just watched your video. and cried my little brown eyes out. I wouldn’t pin myself as someone necessarily emotional, but there I was crying. granted the tears came from a mix of stressful finals, boys being ridiculous(you know, the ones who you ask you to dinner and a movie and then later that same night have “sleepovers” with your friend. how ruuude, spoken classic stephanie tanner style), and the bittersweet goodbyes of the end of the semester. but all this to say. that video is beautful. and you are beautiful. and you and dylan are so adorably perfect for each other. and i uses periods. way. too. much. similiar. to your. love for commas. love you alyse. will you be at ltw at all while you’re home?